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User Role Help Guide

User RolesDescriptionAction
Central Office Non-SurveyorProvides functionality allowing CMS employees to browse Training Plans, take online courses in any order. Sign Up
Central Office QSED AdministratorProvides functionality allowing CMS Administrators to browse Training Plans, take online courses in any order. Provides limited access to administrative functions. Provides access to reporting functionality (ALL states/ALL regions). Sign Up
Central Office QSED ManagerProvides access to reporting functionality for CMS management staff (ALL states/ALL regions). Sign Up
Central Office QSOG/SOG LeadershipProvides functionality allowing CMS Manager to browse Training Plans, take online courses in any order. Provides access to reporting functionality (ALL states/ALL regions), excluding communication function. Sign Up
Central Office Security OfficialApprove or reject QSEP user access for agency in HARP. Sign Up
Federal Non-SurveyorProvides functionality allowing Regional Office employees to browse Training Plans, take online courses in any order. Sign Up
Federal SurveyorProvides functionality allowing CMS Federal surveyors to assign themselves to Training Plans, and take online courses. Sign Up
Regional Office ManagerProvides functionality allowing Regional Office Managers to browse Training Plans, take online courses in any order. Provides access to reporting functionality (data access limited to specific region). Sign Up
Regional Office Security OfficialApprove or reject QSEP user access for agency in HARP. Sign Up
Regional Training AdministratorProvides access to reporting functionality for Regional Training Administrators (data access limited to specific region). Provides limited access to administrative functions. Sign Up
Other Non-SurveyorProvides functionality allowing contractors to browse Training Plans, take online courses in any order. Sign Up
State ManagerProvides functionality allowing State Manager to browse Training Plans, take online courses in any order. Provides access to reporting functionality (data access limited to specific state). Sign Up
State Non-surveyorProvides functionality allowing State Agency members to browse Training Plans, take online courses in any order. Sign Up
State Security OfficialApprove or reject QSEP user access for agency in HARP. Sign Up
State SurveyorProvides functionality allowing CMS sponsored surveyors to assign themselves to Training Plans, and take online courses. This role constitutes the main bulk of our user community. Sign Up
State Training CoordinatorProvides functionality allowing STC to browse Training Plans, take online courses in any order. Provides access to reporting functionality (data access limited to specific state). Sign Up
Accrediting OrganizationProvides functionality allowing Accrediting Organization users to browse the Training Catalog, take online courses and receive a certificate. Sign Up
Advocacy GroupProvides functionality allowing the Advocacy Group users to browse the Training Catalog, take online courses and receive a certificate. Sign Up
Educator/Author/ResearcherProvides functionality allowing Educator/Author/Researcher users to browse the Training Catalog, take online courses and receive a certificate. Sign Up
HHS Employee/ContractorProvides functionality allowing HHS Employees/Contractors to browse the Training Catalog, take online courses and receive a certificate. Sign Up
OtherProvides functionality allowing members of other (not listed) groups and organizations to browse Training Catalog, take online courses and receive a certificate. Sign Up
Provider/SupplierProvides functionality allowing Providers/Suppliers to browse Training Catalog, take online courses and receive a certificate. Sign Up
Public UserProvides functionality allowing members of the general public to browser Training Plans and take online courses.
Quality Improvement OrganizationProvides functionality allowing Quality Improvement Organization users to browse the Training Catalog, take online courses and receive a certificate. Sign Up
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